Artist Research:

1) Clothes by Rudi Gernreich: 
Giraffe/ patterned fashion:

This image shows a woman, in the studio, wearing designer clothes. The image has a fashion and documentary style, that could also be used for advertising. The patterns in the clothing are very unique and this is inspiring to me. I should make the subject of my postcards unique and different, to attract the audience, and in essence sell the card. The image uses a digital camera with a narrow depth of field, to make the model the main focus, a low ISO to stop any extra noise and to give a high quality image and a fast shutter speed to stop movement and blur in the image. The image uses artificial, in studio, lighting, which allowed the artist to focus on the settings he wants and how he wants the photograph to look. Due to the shadow, there will be a soft box to the left of the image, aiming towards the model and perhaps two or three, lower powered, aiming towards the model from different angles. To edit this image, the photographer would have adjusted the levels, to make the image bright and attractive and to also fit and work well in fashion magazines, or advertisement and to also desaturate the image. The desaturation of the image gives it a vintage and old fashion look, that promotes and works well with the style of clothing. I can also imagine that the clothing would primarily be black and white, so to make the choice into desaturating the image easier.

This image shows another in studio photograph, with outfits from the same designer. This outfit is giraffe print, hence the reason for it being for research. The model is staring into the camera, using direct address, which gives the impression that she is aware and comfortable in front of the camera. The position of the model is very weird and quirky, which matches with the models outfit. The camera is digital, with similar settings to the image above ( narrow depth of field, to make the model the main focus, a low ISO to stop any extra noise and to give a high quality image and a fast shutter speed to stop movement and blur in the image.) The lighting again is artificial, however in this image there is no shadow. This suggests two soft boxes aimed towards the backdrop, illuminating and making it white and two aimed towards the model, to expose and make the outfit seem fashionable.  The image is edited simply, adjusting the levels and desaturating the image to make it more fashionable and the clothing look desirable, As above, the black and white effect on the image gives it a vintage and old fashion look, that promotes and works well with the style of clothing.


2) Royal Rebellion  -Aquazzura shoes fall/winter 2012
By Diego Diaz Marin

This image shows a model, showing off footwear, in a location. Another way around this is digitally creating the software, and placing an in studio shot into the backdrop. This would match with the wild, very blue and organised location. The image is very saturated, with a high amount of blue and red in the image. The models footwear are heels and are red, the photographer has incorporated this colour in the setting so they harmonize and generally make the image and product seem desirable. The image is digital, shown by the high quality image and the fact that this is used for advertisement in a magazine. There is a narrow depth of field, meaning only the foreground is in focus, separating this from the background and drawing attention to the shoes.  There is also a fast shutter speed, showing no movement or blur. The high quality image suggests a low ISO, around 100 as there is no noise in the image. The lighting is artificial, as it is a fashion shot and lighting is the best way to illuminate and control the cameras settings. Also the light on the models left leg looks like a snoot, and a small circle of light. The editing of the image could be possibly adding the legs to the image, and increasing the saturation. And also possibly using liquify to tone and shape the legs down, also to make the image and product look more desirable. As for storage and organisation of the images, the photographer will look through, note their favourites, then edit from that point. They will also keep back ups of the image, to make sure they don't get lost.

This image shows a digitally manipulated shot of a pair of womens legs in footwear. The image shows one image, repeated 4 times, each with a different flip. The image focuses in the middle, with the legs acting as leading lines and dragging the audiences eye towards the edge of the image. The image uses a digital camera, possibly with one image of the legs in the studio, and one image digitally created or shot on location and then combined. From the image above, both the images have a high amount of blue and red, perhaps they are a set, company colors? This is obviously a design choice, the colours need to contrast and attract the audience to the shoe, so its desirable. The image uses a narrow depth of field, to make the foreground and the legs the main focus and to separate this from the background. It also uses a low ISO, again around 100, to create an image with little or no noise. The lighting is artificial, and again illuminates the legs and shoes so they are desirable, and sells the product. The image uses a softbox, to the left looking down onto the legs, shown by the highlight in the top of the women's legs and thighs. Again the editing process is to make the image look desirable and to be noticeable when it is on noticeboards, in magazines etc. The editor would have duplicated the image 4 times, flipped them so the join in the middle and then adjusted the levels and saturation so the colors are bright and intrigue the audience. They may also use liquify to slim down and tone the legs, again to make the product look desirable. 


3) . - By Martina Casetto

This image shows a female model, holding a cage and wearing a black dress. The models head is covered with a giraffe head, hence the reason for it being inspirational. The image uses a digital camera with a narrow depth of field, a fast shutter speed and a ISO of 100, meaning there is no movement, little or no noise and only the model being in focus, not the backdrop, creating a contrast. The lighting is artificial, and meaning that the photographer was able to control the lights to what he wanted and to be able to achieve the settings to what he needs. The focal length in the image frames just the top of the head and the bottom of the model, and does not give a lot of dead space.  For finishing media, the image of the giraffe would be found and then using photoshop placed on. The photographer would have adjusted things like levels and saturation and perhaps liquify to slim or tone the model.  The image has a fashion style to it, meaning that the image is trying to sell the look and make the audience appreciate the designer and the clothing themselves. 


4) Shogun Clothing Boutique - Dupree Bostic:

"The assignment was to think of things that relate to you as a person and come up with an advertising campaign. I chose to do a clothing boutique and named it Shogun. All the photos are original photos taken by me."

This image shows a advertising poster, showing clothing and different designs. The image has the logo in the right hand corner, with text that works well with the logo and the image. The image uses a digital camera with a narrow depth of field, to focus the audience onto the model and the clothing and to also allow space for the text to go, a fast shutter speed to capture the image without movement and a low ISO due to little or no noise in the image. The lighting in the image is natural, aiming from the right top of the image, down onto the model. The editing in the image would just be adjusting the levels, adding the black and white filter and adding the logo and text. The image is very simple and there is a lot of background space, which allowed the artist to add text without missing anything in the image. As for organisation and storage, the artist probably has one image unedited, one edited without text and logo and one on a template with text and logo. They will also have them backed up, just incase the information gets lost. 

This image shows another image in the range for the clothing. However, here the style and audience for the range is shown through. The image shows a skater, performing a flip and being captured in mid air. This would give the impression that the artist is trying to attract skaters, with a similar style. The image uses a digital camera with a slower shutter speed. This has given the image some movement around the skaters arms and legs. I do like this effect as it shows that the image is realistic, but I can imagine that having the image crisp and fully in focus with no movement would perhaps look better. The image uses a narrow depth of field, to create focus on the model and to also allow the image to use a fast shutter speed. The image also has an ISO of around 400, as there is some noise on the image. However, this does work with the grunge and culture of the image. The editing and storage for this image would be the same as above.

"adjusting the levels, adding the black and white filter and adding the logo and text. The image is very simple and there is a lot of background space, which allowed the artist to add text without missing anything in the image. As for organisation and storage, the artist probably has one image unedited, one edited without text and logo and one on a template with text and logo. They will also have them backed up, just incase the information gets lost."


5) Collection of postcards:

This image shows a doorway, with shadows and an alley way behind. This image is a documentary shot of the black country museum, where the logo in on the back of the card. The image uses a digital camera with a high ISO, there is noise in the image. However, this gives the image a vintage look and feel, which matches the image subject. The image has a narrow depth of field, which shows the outline in focus, and the alley way behind not. The image uses the compositional factor a frame within a frame, which directs the audience around the image and then into the middle. The editing for this image will be an increase of saturation, a possible increase of levels to make everything look realistic and changing to postcard size. Once this is done, they would add the back, which they would usually have a ready made template which could just be printed on demand.  

This image shows a landscape, with the heights of abraham and also a castle located in matlock bath. The image is very saturated and attractive towards the audience. It also makes the sky look very blue and perfect for a holiday, not only selling the postcard but also getting more tourism for the location. The image uses a digital camera with a high quality zoom lens, which allowed the photographer to get close to the cable cars. There is a narrow depth of field,  the focusing is more on the foreground. However, some of the background is focused. For this, I would expect a F number of 8 to 11. The lighting here is natural and illuminates the whole image. The editing here would just be increasing the saturation, resizing the image into postcard size, adding and experimenting with text type and printing.


6)Abigail Thompson - "Blue giraffe"

This image shows a still life, of a giraffe statue and a matching tea cup, with the same dark blue colour. The image is on a table, with a white backdrop. This to me suggests a studio image or having it infront of a light source, such as a window. The light is very strong and makes the edges of the objects soft and also created shadows, underneath the objects. The image uses a digital camera, with a ISO of 400 and a fast shutter speed. The ISO gives the image a little bit of noise and just slightly lowers the quality of the image. The fast shutter speed prevents movement. Also, a narrow depth of field has been used, this has made the foreground in focus and the background out of focus. This directs the audiences attention towards the subjects in the foreground. The lighting here is natural, the objects have been placed on a window. The light is coming from the window and shining onto the objects. The image has a lot of dead space, where the audience ignores and goes straight for the middle of the frame, where the subjects are.  For this image, the photographer would have just increased the saturation and increased the levels to make sure it is exposed properly. This is a fairly simple image, however it is inspring. I should photograph objects where they are usually placed.

This image shows the same giraffe statue, on another window  with a mixture on plants. This image incorporates more of the photographers house and has a documentary style to it. The positioning of the giraffe is very comical as it looks like it is eating the plant.  Here, the lighting has still made the outline of the objects soft. The lighting is natural, coming from the window onto the subjects. The photographer uses a digital camera with a f number of 8, it is still narrow but also keeps more of the foreground in focus. There is a fast shutter speed to prevent movement and to keep all the image in focus. The image has also been straightened, the ledge acts as a leading line and draws the audiences eye down the page. As for editing, the image is still fairly simple, the photographer would have adjusted the levels and increased the saturation. If the image wasn't originally this straight, they would have done this digitally.


7) "Out of place" - Andy Hemingway 

This image shows a woman in a giraffe costume on a roof top. The images have a light hearted tone, with a documentary and fashion orientated style. The image uses a digital camera with a narrow depth of field, a fast shutter speed and a standard lens to get the model in shot. The model has direct address to the audience  involving them in the image but also shows confidence and awareness of the camera. The roof acts as a leading line and drags the audiences eye around the image. The colors in the images are very bright and attractive to the audience. The  lighting here is natural.  As for editing, the photographer would have done simple edits to the image, perhaps only experimenting with levels, saturation and a possible contrast change. 

This image shows the same giraffe model, on a set of fire escape stairs. There, again, is direct address to the audience  involving them in the image but also shows confidence and awareness of the camera. The stairs act as lines and again directs the audience around the page. The image uses a digital camera with a fast shutter speed and a wide depth of field. The lighting is natural and is set behind the model, there is a little bit of lens flare in the middle of the image, which is slightly distracting. The editing process is probably the same as above. 

"only experimenting with levels, saturation and a possible contrast change"


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