Friday, 6 March 2015

This assignment is focused towards unit 23, media techniques and technology. We have been asked to produce 10 postcard sized images, along the theme of Souvenirs. This topic is very vast and can be adapted so any topic can be used. We also need to research and understand health and safety within photography, including and not limited to the ‘Health and Safety at work act (1974)’, ‘COSSH Regulations (2002)’ and the ‘Health and Safety (Display screen equipment) regulations (1992)’.
We need to investigate and use a range of photographic materials and evaluate the properties of each. The final images will be displayed and possibly used as postcards, meaning I need to look at and research layouts and styles to improve my initial ideas. I also need to consider my audience within the postcard and display this though evaluations and my final images. Also, I will need to evidence all developmental work, including before and after edits. I will need to analyze these,
I will also look at online companies who print postcards and the price of this.

Initial ideas:
Promotion – Create a logo and produce 10 items – key rings, shirts, mugs etc. Photograph this and send the postcards as promotion – a lot of work but could be carried on for FMP.
Landscapes and buildings in the national trust – landmarks- wide depth of field – need a tripod.
Holidays – beach- typical tourist imagery – clothing – try black and white film
Black and white film – print in the darkroom – make sure light sensitive paper is the correct size.
Night landscapes – bright colors – long exposures and tripod
Rural landscapes – a lot of green and trees – could be linked to #3.
Urban landscapes – architecture – is this something you see on a postcard?
Clothing – usual holiday wear – fashion – or in the studio, on hangers.

The proposal:
The aim for this assignment is to produce 10 postcard sized images, based on souvenirs. The definition of souvenirs is “a thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event.” This is a fairly open brief, that has allowed me to branch into photography that is more my style. For this, I plan to photograph tourist locations, that incorporate history. This is including the black country living museum and national trust buildings or gardens. These images will be documentary and very inspired by postcards from the places. The images will be shot on 35mm film, which will be black and developed in the darkroom and digital for a higher quality shot. The 35mm film has been used for its vintage look and so that the style matches the theme or tone of the image. I could also print this, in the darkroom, straight onto appropriately sized light sensitive paper. The images will be seen in postcards, or online to inform and persuade other tourists to visit.
To photograph the inside the national trust buildings, I will need to ask for permission before. However, with places like the Black country museum as it’s a tourist place, I will not need permission, unless I am photographing people and I need them to pose. The skills I need is developing black and white film, which I have previously learnt. The dangers with my proposal is the chemicals in the darkroom, I will explore the Cossh regulations and generally be as safe as possible when using. I will also need to be careful on shoot, to prevent tripping etc. I may need to use a tripod, with a high aperture, therefore I need to make sure no-one trips over, I need to research postcard layouts and themes, photographers who have done similar work and other sights I can look at.
I will be presenting these as postcards, which I may print professionally.

Week 1: Intro to the brief, initial ideas and research, mini task, proposal, evidence health and safety.

Week 2: Complete proposal, begin research, experiment with different cameras and processes. Shoot at Black County Museum. Mini task?

Week 3: Develop images, chose favorites evaluate these images, need to reshoot? Plan this. Finish research. Mini task?

Week 4: Develop assignment,  evaluate all edits. Need to reshoot? Mini task?

Week 5: Same as above

Week 6: Same as above, critique, evaluation.